- SILAB is part of the consortium as awarded by the EC on Industrial Competitiveness for a Sustainable Future Framwork project Lot 3: Competitiveness, eco-innovation and value chain sustainability. A contract to provide for the Commission information, consultancy, technical assistance and research services on the interactions between the competitiveness of enterprises or industry sectors and environment, climate change, energy and transport, eco-innovation, ecodesign and sustainable product policies, in the EU and third world countries.
- The European Social Fund (ESF): Sustainable Development and Eco-technologies, Completed for ESF programme of the European Union
- SILab at EU Future Energy Forum 2010
- Spoke at 2010 Low Carbon City Forum, Beijing, China
- Spoke at Shanghai Expo: Business in an Energy Efficient Low Carbon World, China
- Spoke at BSR Workshop on Sustainable Consumption, London
- Spoke at International Environmental Verification Forum, Philippines
- Spoke at Green Growth Business Summit, South Korea
- SILAB won the project to help UK Defra over procuring technical advice for the sustainable consumption and production programme on energy using products ( EuP)
- Research on green growth and green job for EC fund project
- Training for The National Measurement Office (NMO) for Market Transformation Program in the UK.
- Joint Sustainable Development Technology Foundation for China/ Taiwan/US low carbon city initiative
- New Service in Commercialising Green Tech and Products
- UK Defra SCP Energy Label Market Picture Testing Report
- SILAB is the part of support team for UK Defra's Sustainable Consumption and Production Programme on Compliance Policy.
The Market Picture Testing Report on Lamps, Ovens and Washer Driers has been published on Defra website on 30 November 2009.